Our customer-driven, quality services have established us with a reputation of excellence and the project list to prove it.

Galleria Palm Modernization

When the Galleria Palm needed to modernize their 2 elevators they called on Alternate Elevator. Smart Rise controllers were installed in the machine rooms. PTL fixtures were placed in the cars and each stop. The cab drop ceiling was modernized from a drop ceiling with florescent lights to stainless steel panels with LED lights. The floor was upgraded from tile to rubber flooring.

Overhead Traction Modernization

When a large office building needed to modernize their overhead traction system they called on Alternate Elevator. This was not your ordinary modernization job. Their location near the airport required the coordination of FAA clearance. As part of the FAA permit the work had to be done at 2:00 AM. Alternate Elevator was there to handle every step of the process from permitting to installation.


Basement Traction Modernization

A large Central Florida private college called on Alternate Elevator to modernize one of their basement traction elevators.



Machine Room Before

Machine Room After

Hydraulic Before

Hydraulic After